Course Offerings
The Mason Center for Health Workforce is building a dashboard to provide data and information relevant to health workforce planning and analysis. It will include measures to assess:

Essentials of Telehealth

Tell Me Your Story

Childhood Maltreatment
Health IT
1.5 CEU Credits
Cultural Competencies
1.5 CEU Credits
“Tell Me Your Story”, is an engaging and thought-provoking cultural competency training. The “Tell Me Your Story” curriculum is enhanced with first person story video vignettes provided by Fairfax County residents.
Cultural Competencies
1.5 CEU Credits
This course is divided into 7 modules focused on the epidemiology of trauma and adverse childhood experiences among children and adolescents.

Intro to Public Health

Intro to Epidemiology

Intro to Public Health Surveillance
Public Health
Public health is “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.” — CEA Winslow
Public Health
Epidemiology is the “study of distribution and determinants of health-related states among specified populations and the application of that study to the control of health problems.” — A Dictionary of Epidemiology
Public Health
Public health surveillance is “the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data essential to planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice.” — Field Epidemiology

Intro to Public Health Laboratories

Intro to Public Health Prevention & Effectiveness

Intro to Public Health Informatics
Public Health
Public health laboratories focus on diseases and the health status of population groups. They perform limited diagnostic testing, reference testing, and disease surveillance. They also provide emergency response support, perform applied research, and provide training for laboratory personnel.
Public Health
Prevention effectiveness is the systematic assessment of the impact of public health policies, programs, and practices on health outcomes by determining their effectiveness, safety, and costs.” — Prevention Effectiveness: A Guide to Decision Analysis and Economic Evaluation
Public Health
“Public health informatics is the systematic application of information, computer science, and technology to public health practice, research, and learning.” — Public Health Informatics: Improving and Transforming Public Health in the Information Age