Education & Training Opportunities with
Scholarship and Tuition Grants
Leading to well being
“The Leadership Coaching for Organizational Well-Being program will equip you to make positive change happen in your team and organizational culture. It emphasizes strengths-based and transformative practices.
Leading to well being speaker
Estimates of workforce demand are based on outlooks for job growth, annual openings, and reports from employers on vacancies, turnover, and time to fill positions in their organizations.
Leading Thriving Organizations Certificate
Demographic characteristics of the population, indicators of community health status, and multi-sector infrastructure and resources for health, behavioral health, public health, and other relevant resources.
Customized Digital Resilience Badge
“Fully online, asynchronous learning opportunity that will allow you to further develop your resilience through content knowledge and practices, all of which are backed by the science of resilience.”
Mental Health First Aid Certificate
“Skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues. Offered through the National Council for Mental Well-Being.”
GCH 325: Stress and Well-Being. 3 credits
Explores the influences of stress on population-based health issues. The causes and pathways of the stress experience are explored from an ecological public health perspective. Theoretical aspects of stress and coping are considered, along with methods for relieving and preventing the stress response in both individuals and communities.